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Dairy-free Colcannon - Irish Potatoes with Kale

As St. Patrick's Day approaches, what better way to celebrate the rich culinary traditions of Ireland than with a modern twist on a classic dish? Enter our dairy-free Colcannon recipe, featuring the velvety goodness of Fauxmagerie Zengarry's Garlic & Fine Herbs cashew-based cheese. This innovative take on a beloved Irish comfort food not only honours the essence of Colcannon but also caters to the growing demand for dairy-free options in today's culinary landscape.

Colcannon holds a cherished place in Irish cuisine, deeply rooted in the country's agricultural heritage. Historically, it was a humble dish made from simple, readily available ingredients, primarily potatoes, cabbage, and butter. Over time, Colcannon evolved into a staple comfort food enjoyed by generations, particularly during festive occasions like St. Patrick's Day.

By utilizing Fauxmagerie Zengarry's Garlic & Fine Herbs cashew-based cheese and subbing vegetable broth for cream, we elevate this traditional dish to new heights, offering a lower fat alternative to those seeking dairy-free recipes without compromising on taste or texture.

Join us on a culinary journey that combines tradition with innovation, as we reimagine Colcannon for a modern palate, showcasing the versatility and deliciousness of dairy-free cheese in a quintessential Irish comfort dish. Let's dive into this flavourful celebration of St. Patrick's Day with our dairy-free Colcannon recipe, where heritage meets contemporary dietary preferences in a harmonious union of flavours and textures.

Diary-free Colcannon - Irish mashed potatoes with kale


1 pound of potatoes, peeled and diced into chunks

1 large leek, chopped

1 bunch of kale, chopped

1 cup of vegetable broth

1/2 package of Zengarry Garlic & Fine Herbs cashew cheese spread

4 Tbsp. dairy-free butter or margarine, plus more for drizzling on top

1 tsp. salt (or to taste)

Chopped green onion to garnish

Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Boil the peeled and diced potatoes in salted water until they are tender, then drain off the water.

  2. While the potatoes are boiling, chop the leek and kale into small-ish pieces.

  3. In a frying pan, melt 1 Tbsp. of dairy-free butter or margarine.

  4. Add the leek and kale and sauté over medium high heat until tender and slightly browned (about 5 minutes).

  5. Mash your cooked potatoes (you can use a masher, or a ricer or a hand mixer). Add the remaining 3 Tbsp of butter, salt, 1 cup of vegetable broth and the Zengarry Garlic & Fine Herbs cashew cheese spread and mix well.

  6. Add in the leeks and kale and mix well.

  7. Transfer the potatoes to a serving dish and drizzle with additional melted butter if desired. Garnish with chopped green onions, course salt, pepper and herbs as desired.


I subbed vegetable broth for the cream, to make it lower in fat, but you can definitely use dairy-free cream or milk in this recipe as well.

If you're looking for a low-fat whole foods plant-based version, you can easily make this recipe oil-free by excluding the dairy-free butter.


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