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5 Things That Make Zengarry a Planet-Friendly Company

June 5th marks World Environment Day!

Inspired by a love of nature, good food and a deep conviction that eating healthy can be both simple AND satisfying, our commitment here at Fauxmagerie Zengarry is to create, nurture and grow a socially and environmentally sustainable food chain. This includes a community of like-minded farmers, consumers and retailers who believe we can live longer, healthier and happier if we took better care of ourselves and the planet we call home.

Here are just 5 of the exciting ways that we strive to be a planet-friendly, plant-based cheese company:

1. Sustainable Packaging:

We use packaging made with responsibly-sourced, recyclable paper products that are then printed with 100% vegetable-based dyes.

2. Less Plastic:

We are actively implementing solutions to reduce our plastic packaging by 75% on some of our best-selling products, including our Ale-Aged cheese wheel. We are also exploring compostable and biodegradable plastic alternatives.

3. Our Living Wall:

Our cheeses are flavoured with fresh herbs grown in-house! Our production facility is home to 4 plant walls where we hydroponically cultivate herbs like fresh basil and parsley. To grow our offerings of locally produced goods (and reduce food waste!), we started using our excessive harvest to launch all new line of vegan pestos which are now available on our online store.

4. Responsibly-Sourced Ingredients:

We use ethically sourced cashews and grow our custom probiotic cultures from Ontario-grown quinoa. We’re also proud to use local, Ontario-grown garlic in products like our Garlic and Fine Herbs cashew cheese.

5. Energy-Efficient Operations:

We use sustainably-sound practices throughout production. Over the years, we’ve implemented: LED lighting, energy-efficient equipment, motion sensors for lighting, programmable thermostats, and reduced water use.

Learn more about our sustainability commitment here and our history as a plant-based company here.


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